Monday, May 7, 2012

Does Your Med Closet Need A Check~Up?


I had a cough last week, and my husband brought me some Vicks Vapor Rub (how sweet) that expired in 2001! 10 years ago...Funny, though, that it still had that strong, oh so familiar smell. For the life of me I do not know how that got by me in February when I took the time to go thru all of our medicines. We were headed out of town and had a family member coming to stay with the I took an hour or so and gave the ole med closet some love! How is yours? Can you go right to a medicine the minute that you need it? You should be able to...Check out a few of theses...aren't they great?

Yours doesn't have to be as fancy as the ones above...I personally like mine pretty, but I like pretty. These will do...It's labeled..It is organized....You don't have to spend an arm and a leg on baskets...but remember, you can often get great ones at the dollar store, Walmart or a discount store like Tuesday Morning...

Here are a few tips:
1. Set aside some time where little ones will not be able to get into medicines
2. Clean off a countertop or surface where you can work..give yourself some space
3. Remove all medicines from closet or drawers..don't forget to search the rest of the home
4. Go thru meds, purge those that are expired, leaking or not able to close properly
5. Sort the meds that are left
6. Make a note of the meds that you need to purchase to have a current, stocked closet
    Think cold, cough, daytime, night time, fever, pain, bandaids, antibiotic ointment, tummy aches, etc 
7. Make a note of how many "types" of bins or baskets that you need..
8. Dispose of Prescription and OTC medications is a link to help
9. Then the most fun...purchase number of containers needed ( i'd get 2 extra), label and organize! 
10. Try to always return medicines to their proper'll be glad you did at 2a.m. when you're looking for Motrin for Johnny's fever!

Yep, you'll check out your med closet every time you walk by it for awhile...just like any other space you get organized and pretty-fied!
Hope this helps, Ya'll!

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