Okay, so if you are hoping for some concrete "to dos" today to make your world more organized, just go ahead and hit the "delete" button now. Yesterday was another one of THOSE days that I had all lined up..gym, volunteer at school, lunch with new friends and then the afternoon at the barn (my 2nd fav place to be)! But God had different plans for me! Seriously?
Yup! You see, I had the distinct honor of spending the day with my 92 year old grandfather! Isn't he handsome? So he needed a ride home from the hospital..and I just happened to be "free". I was? Yup! So, I woke at dark, poured a nice cup o Joe and headed off to the country! Right away, I was greeted by an amazing sunrise and then the knowledge that I had a few hours alone in the car started to settle in..All plans had been cancelled and taken care of, and I began to look at the day through a different lens! I arrived at the hospital around 9:30 am fully expecting to see my grandfather in the bed looking "tired and 92", and to wait around for hours while discharge paperwork was done at "small hospital pace". But yet again, my assumptions were dead wrong. There is my grandfather, in a chair, fully dressed, looking dapper, waiting expectantly for me! No way? We were discharged within minutes and he refused a wheelchair! Yup, that's how he rolls!
So I won't bore you with the details of my day, but it turned into one of my most profound in quite some time. Best part: I was able to hold hands with my grandfather. He lives a "simple" life, some would call boring..he gardens, fishes, visits with neighbors and is active in his little church...not sure there is much else to do in his parts..I left him yesterday longing for more of the "little" that he has.
Take a look at how simple and beautiful this "little" church is! When I stopped to take this picture, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I want my life to look just like this. Simple, clean, and pleasing to God!..Just one of many of my "moments" yesterday...If I told you all of them I would be here writing all day!
These stacks of fresh picked cotton..had to take picture of them when I realized that I bet my girls have never seen cotton before it becomes their tee shirts! Geez..I need to get them out in the country more..where kids still play outside until the sun goes down.
My Pa Pa's swing, where there has been countless hours of love, laughter and conversation...
And on the way home, I did get to do some pickin'!
Who's with me?
Out of Clutter
Find Simplicity
From Discord
Find Harmony
In The Middle Of
Difficulty Lies
~Albert Einstein
Love this story!!!