Start by making a list of the types of paper that you handle every day. Common clutter culprits include the following:
- mail-junk, bills, mass marketing
- school or work papers
- magazines
- catalogues
- coupons
- receipts
- newspapers
It has been my observation that we probably need to keep about 20% of the paper that comes through our doors! Ask yourself these questions?
- Do I keep things I don't ever look at again?
- If the answer is yes, then you must be willing to actively eliminate the sources. Could you discontinue a newspaper subscription and read it online instead? Cut down on the number of magazine subscriptions? Apply for ebills(I LOVE ebills)?
- A HUGE source of my clutter is catalogs...They drive me nuts! Not only are they a huge waste of paper and fill up the landfills, they tempt me to buy things that I do not need! Go to to make sure you get only the ones that you want to get! Most stores have online stores..No need for catalogs!
These are just a few things that are easy to begin! Follow these tips to start with, and you will notice a difference in your paper monster right away! Next post, we will talk about what to do if your papers are already spilling out of every nook and cranny of your home!
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