See, here is my mail clutter..i am willing to bet I need about 1/3 of this! Now ya'll know one of my dirty secrets! I don't always practice what I preach..usually around holidays:) |
Come on, we all know that sick feeling in our stomachs when things are out of control, either in our home or in our schedules, or that "monkey on your back" feeling when you have drawers full of junk, basements full of things you'll never use, or attics splitting at the seams with boxes that you haven't opened in years..I seek simplicity and order because I loathe those feelings...I detest what clutter in my life does to my insides...then it, in turn, affects all relationships that are important to me...and usually the one that suffers the most is the one that I have with my heavenly Father!! the first thing that goes is my quiet time...and that is the one thing I need the most..time with Him!
Whatever your belief, I feel sure you can relate..clutter just sucks the life right out of us!! We simply get so bogged down in it that we miss much of the joy that each day can bring. So there you have it..I don't have it down to a complete science as of yet, but I work steadily in my home, on my schedule and on my "insides", to keep things simple!!!
Here are just a few things that I have found helpful on my journey to de~cluttering my life. Hope you enjoy and can use at least one!
1. Wake up 30 minutes before the chaos begins..have your quiet time, prayer, cup of coffee and then get moving!
2. Do not buy anything that you do not LOVE or NEED!..stop the thought process that you have to fill every nook and cranny of your home!
3. Create a Family Communication Center
4. Never leave dishes in the sink at night..if you awaken to clutter, your day is pretty much determined to be just that! (in my experience)
5. Make your bed! (And teach your kids to make nice would it be for them to come home to a neat rom!)
6. Pray before you commit! I'm not saying here that I will pray before I commit to lunch with a friend..but before you commit to anything that may take your time and attention from your family.
7. Sort your mail every day..and be real with yourselves about coupons, catalogs..will you REALLY use them or will they end up in a drawer? Usually the latter!
8. Keep a bin somewhere handy that you can toss things in that no longer belong in your home..then you can sort at a later date..(ie:goodwill, give to friend, consign)
9. Put away laundry before beginning more..and if your children put their own away, help them learn to make it a priority!
10. CHALK BOARDS! Have them, use them!
I have many more..but we can start with these..Now off to sort my mail that got way out of hand over the last month...
Now take a listen to this...She speaks right to me!! De~cluttering is more than just organizing your linen closet and cleaning out the is about getting rid of all that junk INSIDE too! I hope this blesses you as it has me!
Happy Tuesday! Jennifer
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